Striving Together, Succeeding Forever.
Our individual projects would not have been possible without the generous support of these organizations.
The Greenways Trail Alliance relies on collaboration with our partners, who have a vested interest in the trail network.
Baymag Mines
BC Hydro
BC Ministry of Environment
BC Ministry of Forestry & Range
Canada World Youth
Canadian Council for Human Resources & Environment Industry
Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program
Columbia Basin Trust
Columbia Kootenay Fisheries Renewal Partnership
Columbia-Shuswap Regional District
Columbia Valley Botanical Gardens
Columbia Valley Community Foundation
District of Invermere
East Kootenay Conservation Program
Friends of the Columbia Wetlands Society
Golden Area Initiatives
Golden Cycling Club
Golden & District Community Foundation
Golden IGA & Coca Cola
Golden Rotary Club
John Wolfe Construction
Kootenay Savings Community Foundation
Kris Newman Contracting Ltd.
Mark Kingsbury Foundation
Osprey Communications
Pacific Salmon Foundation
Parks Canada
Radium Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce
Regional District of East Kootenay
Resources for Community Collaboration
Rotary Club of Radium
Shaunessy Ranches Ltd. (Bob Shaunessy)
Successful Communities Forum
Slocan Forest Products
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
The Land Conservancy of BC
The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia
The Sonoran Institute
The Town of Golden
TIDES Foundation
Trout Unlimited Canada
Triad Marketing
Village of Canal Flats
Village of Radium Hot Springs
Western Economic Diversification
Windermere District Farmers’ Institute
Wings over the Rockies Society